
Learn Reiki I/II

gain everything you need to help others heal through this art of energy work. If you have wanted to help others but unsure how, this is the class for you. Students will leave with the complete understanding and capability to preform reiki on others in a healing light. Hands on practice in class, work packet included. Classes held bi monthly, check our booking tab.

Somatic Emotional Attachment Release Coaching….

That is just a whole lot of words but lets break it down-

All people come from different walks of life. Along those walks they can experience trauma or just rough experiences. It can be from a bad relationship, childhood, addictions, low self worth, accidents, job loss, deaths, the list goes on.

This coaching style is used to help people let go of, get rid of, RELEASE the physical, emotional energy and pain that has become stuck in the body.

This type of coaching gets to the root cause of the symptom instead of treating the symptom.

This is done through a session where we talk about the behavior or issue you’d like to change, usually some sort of feeling you can’t seem to get rid of, or a behavior you keep repeating.

I help you identify it in your body wherever it may be through some techniques in session and then we go for a release of that specific target.

After even 1 session you will feel lighter and able to breathe. Not only do we release the trapped emotion but we also pin point roots so you can continue the work at home using tools.

All our work in session in 100% confidential, only you may share with others if you feel inclined, as they will ask what has changed you so much!

Massage Therapy and REIKI Energy Work

I have been massaging for 17 years and reiki came right along side of it. I help people fight chronic pain from injury and emotional pain trapped in the body. My work is only professional and healing, medium to deep, I believe all people and body types are different so each services is customized for the person on the table.

Reiki services help people find clarity, help sleep, balance mood and hormones, spiritual connection ( not religion), closure, relaxation, wellness in mind body and spirit. These services can be combined or separate.

Sound Healings

Sound healings are a lovely way to get stagnant energy moving out of your body. The vibration of the different sounds will relax your mind, body and spirit leaving you ready for a great night of rest and relaxation. Not only do sound healing promote grounded sleep but help in healing from stress, grief, resentments, uncertainty, disconnection. Groups can enjoy this as a way to reground and let go or begin a weekend of fun, or start the week off renewed. A way to tap into your inner soul.